What is Bitget?


Bitget Overview. Key Features and Reputation

bitget logo

Year Founded




Regulatory Status

Operates in various jurisdictions with licenses in regions including Canada, Australia, and Seychelles.

Suitable For

Traders seeking copy trading, social features, and a variety of crypto assets.

Bitget is a rapidly growing cryptocurrency exchange known for its emphasis on copy trading, social trading features, and innovative investment products. It offers a diverse range of assets and caters to traders with varying experience levels. If you’re exploring strategies that leverage the insights of others or are interested in unique crypto-related offerings, Bitget might be worth investigating.


Bitget Assets & Features

Altcoins: A wide selection, including established projects like Chainlink (LINK), Filecoin (FIL), Decentraland (MANA), and newer listings.

Fiat Support

Supports various fiat currencies through its P2P marketplace and third-party payment providers.

Trading Tools

Interface types: Basic and advanced spot trading interfaces

Order Types: Market, limit, stop-limit, trigger orders, conditional close, trailing stop, and more.

Futures and Derivatives: Options trading, USDT-margined futures, and coin-margined futures.

Additional Features

Bitget Copy Trading: Allows users to follow and replicate the strategies of successful traders.

Bitget Earn: Staking and yield-generating products.

Launchpad: Access to new token listings.


Bitget Fees & Security

Fee Structure

Trading fees: Competitive maker/taker model with discounts based on trading volume and BGB token (Bitget's native token) holdings.

Deposit fees: Generally waived; withdrawal fees vary by asset.


2FA, cold storage, address whitelisting, and partnerships with third-party security audit firms.

Bitget suffered a notable hack in 2022 but has since reimbursed affected users, potentially signaling improved security practices.


Bitget Customer Support


24/7 support channels including live chat, a ticketing system, and a comprehensive help center.

Availability & Responsiveness

User experiences can vary; responsiveness can improve.


Should You Consider Bitget for Your Crypto Needs?

Bitget could be a compelling choice if the following aspects resonate with your investment approach:

  • Social and Copy Trading Interest

    The ability to follow experienced traders or utilize their strategies is a core differentiator of Bitget.

  • Seeking Unique Investment Products

    Bitget’s focus on derivatives and innovative staking options can attract those looking beyond basic spot trading.

  • Exploration of New Tokens

    The platform’s Launchpad feature might offer early access to newly listed projects.


How to track Bitget assets?

Monitor and capitalize all your Bitget assets with auto-synced data about coin prices, NFT floor prices, advanced analytics and custom asset based opportunities.

Hodlezz app portfolio data and features

Easy guide to track and capitalize all your Bitget assets

From the API keys menu, select [Create API Key]

Configure your new Read-Only API

Use the Hodlezz mobile app to get more out of your CEX assets

Hodlezz app portfolio instructions

Open the Hodlezz mobile app and create a portfolio

Select the settings icon in your portfolio

Hodlezz app coin display
Hodlezz app Portfolio menu

Select [Add connector] from the menu

Select [Bitget] to sync all your Bitget assets

Bitget integration in Hodlezz app
API Setup in Hodlezz app instructions

Choose a name for your connector and insert your public and secret key of your Read-only API

Start tracking all your crypto assets now

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