Track Jeff with Hodlezz


Dive deep into the extensive features and performance metrics of Jeff available for tracking on Hodlezz. Stay informed and manage your Jeff investments with precision and ease.


Current Jeff(jeff) Price

$0.001863 -0.30%

Current Jeff(jeff) Price Movement

Low: $0.001863 High: $0.001875

Jeff Market Cap

The total market value of a cryptocurrency's circulating supply. It is analogous to the free-float capitalization in the stock market.

Jeff Total Volume

A measure of how much of a cryptocurrency was traded.

Jeff Circulating Supply

The amount of coins that are circulating in the market and are in public hands. It is analogous to the flowing shares in the stock market.
$95 mil

Jeff Total Supply

The total supply refers to the total amount of coins that have been issued or created, including those that are circulating in the market and those that are held in reserve or locked. It is similar to the outstanding shares in the stock market, representing the total quantity of shares that a company has issued to investors.
$95 mil

Jeff (jeff) Price Overview

Today's live trading data for Jeff shows a current price of $0.001863, with a 24-hour price change of $-0.000006. We continuously update our jeff to USD prices in real-time. Jeff has experienced a price change of -0.29917% in the last 24 hours.

Jeff marketcap is $176,999. Market cap changed with $11,433.72 in the past 24hs with a percentage of 6.90589%.

Jeff Price Statistics

Price $0.001863
Price Change (24 h) $-0.000006
Price Change % (24 h) -0.29917%
Market Cap Change (24 h) $11,433.72
Market Cap % Change (24 h) 6.90589%

Latest news about Jeff

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